
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Third Australian Haiku Anthology - Call for Submissions

It is now five years since the publication of the Second Australian Haiku Anthology (2006). That followed the First Australian Haiku Anthology developed and published on line by John Bird and Janice Bostok in 1999 and subsequently published by paper wasp in 2003. Another edition of work by Australian haiku poets, now so well represented in contests and publications around the world, is timely. Thus, submissions for a third edition are invited from published haiku poets living in Australia or from Australian haiku poets resident overseas.
The deadline for submissions is: 30 September 2011
paper wasp editors/publishers
Katherine Samuelowicz, Jacqui Murray
Supported by AHS
Please submit:
1. a maximum of five, previously published, haiku
2. 12 pt typed
3. clearly marked with your name, postal address and email
4. include full publication details,
5. full details of any contest and/or award any haiku may have won and,
6. a brief personal biography
Email address for entries:
Postal address for entries:
paper wasp
14 Fig Tree Pocket Road
Chapel Hill
Qld 4069
The publishers hope the anthology will be available for Christmas 2011. The editors/publishers reserve the right to select entries on the basis of merit and space. No correspondence will be entered into.

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