
Saturday, October 29, 2011


photo William Yang

The year 2012 marks the centenary of the birth of Australia’s Nobel-prize winning author Patrick White who died just over twenty years ago. Since his death, White’s critical reputation has suffered somewhat, although there are signs now of renewed interest in his work. The Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies (See blog link: will dedicate a special issue to Patrick White in 2012 in order to celebrate the centenary of the author. 

Submissions for papers to be included in this issue are called for, especially, but not only, from non-Australia based scholars. 

Papers can address any major aspect of White’s fiction including, for example, transnational perspectives, regional aspects, metaphysics, myth-making, recognition (including a discussion of the PW award), aesthetics or representations of Indigenous Australians. 

Special consideration will be given to proposals that address and theorise gender, sexuality and queer readings of White’s work. 

Proposals of book reviews on Patrick White scholarship and on any aspect of Australian postcolonial culture are also solicited. 

Please submit an abstract of up to 200 words simultaneously to both Editors (details provided below) by mid-December 2011. Full length essays will be expected by mid-March 2012.

David Coad is a Lecturer at the University of Valenciennes, in France. After a doctorate on the religious metaphysics of Patrick White, obtained at the University of Paris III – Nouvelle Sorbonne, he published a collection of essays on Patrick White in 1997. Other publications include Gender Trouble Down Under: Australian Masculinities (Valenciennes: PUV, 2002) and The Metrosexual: Gender, Sexuality, and Sport (New York: SUNY, 2008). Contact:

Jean-François Vernay has recently been appointed Associate Editor for The Journal of Post-Colonial Cultures and Societies. He is the author of two monographs on Australian fiction: Water From the Moon: Illusion and Reality in the Works of Australian Novelist Christopher Koch (New York: Cambria Press, 2007) and The Great Australian Novel – A Panorama (Melbourne: Brolga, 2010). Blog: Contact:
Australie, Australia, culture, littérature, literature, publication, parution, appel à contributions, call for papers, auteurs, authors, écrivains, writers, exposition, exhibition, Jean-François Vernay

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