
Thursday, November 17, 2011


 Here is the Press Release I received today: 

The inaugural Advanced Poetry Workshops in 2011 was met with such success, that the Peter Cowan Writers' Centre will again offer this course in 2012. 

It will consist of ten monthly Advanced Poetry Workshops for selected participants. Each Workshop will be led by an experienced and widely published Western Australian poet (including Emeritus Professor Andrew Taylor and Professor Glen Phillips). Details of other poets will be provided with a program later. The workshops will be held on the Second Saturday afternoon of each month, beginning 11th February. If selected you will be invited to a lunch that day to meet and hear from the 2011 cohort, who will be launching their anthology.

Participation in the Workshops is competitive and limited to twelve 'students', who will be expected to attend all ten three-hour sessions. Poets wishing to be considered for the Workshops must submit at least three, and no more than five, poems to the Peter Cowan Writers' Centre by the 15th December 2011, clearly marked ADVANCED POETRY WORKSHOPS. Submissions as an attachment by email only will be considered. All applicants will be notified whether they have been successful or not by the end of January 2012 at the latest. The fee for the course is $330 for members and $390 for non-members

A detailed program, plus a list of session leaders, will be released shortly.

Submissions should be emailed to and a copy to

Kind Regards

Peter Cowan Writers Centre

Office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-3pm
Phone/Fax: 9301 2282


Might I add that I was a poet-tutor in the 2011 series, and the class was a vigorous and interactive one. What they all learnt from the lecturers would have multiplied at least three fold by the inspiration and knowledge gleamed from their classmates. But get in quickly. The competition was tight last year and I can only see it being more competitive for 2012.

- Andrew

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