
Monday, January 23, 2012

Call for Submissions - Blemish Books' TRIPTYCH POETS


In 2010 Blemish Books kicked off a new series of poetry collections – the Triptych Poets series.
The concept is simple – three poets: one book.
We believe that all poetry (consciously or sub-consciously) reflects, reacts to and shapes the understanding of the poetry of its time - no poem can be read in isolation.
By combining the work of three poets into one book, we’re hoping to highlight the contrasting and often complementary nature of contemporary poetry.


Issue One was released on 3 October 2010. It features the work of Ray Liversidge, Hilaire, Mary Mageau.
Issue Two was released on 6 October 2011. It features the work of Stuart Cooke, Bronwen Manger and Ouyang Yu.
Copies of Triptych Poets are available from our bookstore.


Submissions to Triptych Poets are open between 1 January 2012 and March 1 2012.
There is no restriction on style or theme. We only ask that the poems you send be your best, polished work.
  • Submissions should include a suite of 15 – 25 poems for consideration (max. 40 A4 pages).
  • We will accept suites that include poems that have been previously published, however we prefer suites with mostly unpublished poems.
  • Please include details of any previously published poems (publication title and date).
  • We do not accept poems that are currently under consideration elsewhere.
  • All submissions must be submitted in hard copy. We do not accept submissions via email.
  • Submissions should be typed in 12pt Times New Roman font, 1.5 spaced and printed on A4 size paper.
  • Each page of the manuscript should be numbered and include the name of the author.
  • Each poem should begin on a new page.
  • Please include a brief cover letter with the author’s name and contact details (postal address, phone number, email address) and a short author bio (two or three sentences max).
  • If you would like your manuscript returned please include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). Unsuccessful submissions without a SASE will be destroyed.
  • Blemish Books takes no responsibility for the loss of submitted manuscripts. Please do not send original copies.
  • Submissions should be posted to:

    Triptych Poets
    Blemish Books
    GPO Box 1803
We look forward to reading your poems!

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