
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Coldfront's Top 30 Poetry Books of 2011

The magazine notes: Here are our editorial picks for the Top 30 Poetry Books of 2011. Over the next week, check out our remaining 2011 Best Poetry lists, which include Best First Book, Best Second Book, Best Long Poem, Best Selected/Collected, Best New Book By a Canonical Poet, Best Translation, Best Anthology, Best First Poem in a Collection, Best Final Poem in a Collection, Best Opening Lines, Best Closing Lines, Best Book of Thought/Criticism, Best Book Cover, Best Physical Artifact. Enjoy!

My pick of these books, not knowing them all, would be number 2 Money Shot by Rae Armantrout and number 6, Fall Higher by Dean Young.  There are 30 books here, all USA poets, so what would an Australian list look like? I'll have to look at that - and I'd love to hear your nominations, either through the comments panel here (if y're a fellow blogger) or by email here .

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