
Friday, January 06, 2012

from Macmillans ... MANUSCRIPT MONDAY


Welcome to Manuscript Monday, a new initiative which is part of Pan Macmillan Australia's manuscript submission process. If you’ve ever dreamed of getting published, and have a story you’d like to pitch, here’s your chance to have it read by a publisher. No more navigating the slush pile! Every Monday we will accept submissions between 10am and 4pm that are sent electronically and comply with the guidelines set out below.
What we are looking for:
Commercial fiction – women’s fiction, thriller, crime, historical, humour, paranormal, fantasy; a story can have romantic elements but romance will not be assessed
Literary fiction and non-fiction – novels, short stories, and narrative non-fiction only
Children’s books and young adult – junior and middle grade fiction, young adult fiction; we are not accepting picture book submissions
Commercial non-fiction – history, memoir, mind body spirit, travel, health, diet, biography
Please familiarise yourself with what we publish at do not publish scripts, plays, poetry, or romance and will not assess them. Academic submissions are not accepted during Manuscript Monday. Please see for submission guidelines for academic publications to Macmillan Education.
What you need to do:
1. Prepare the first chapter of your manuscript (double spaced) and a synopsis (maximum 300 words) as separate Word documents, ensuring that they are clearly labelled with the title of your manuscript.
2. Fill out the form below, indicating which genre your manuscript falls into.
3. Attach your Word documents (synopsis and first chapter) below.
4. Send on a Monday between 10am and 4pm AEST.
Your manuscript will be read within one month of the date we receive it.

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