
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Poetic Perfection: Three Favorite Poems Of 2011


Best Poems 2011
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January 2, 2012
David Lehman is a poet and an editor for The Best American Poetry series.
Three of my favorite poems of 2011 share a sense of mystery and the uncanny — a spooky but also exhilarating glimpse of a spiritual world beyond our own. All favor plain speech, an unadorned directness, eschewing the glamour of rhyme or traditional form.
Mark Strand's "The Mysterious Arrival of an Unusual Letter," a prose poem from the January 2011 issue of Poetry, owes something of its effect to its brevity; it contains all of 10 sentences, most of them short. ...
David Lehman is the author of A Fine Romance. He lives in New York.
Stacey Harwood
David Lehman is the author of A Fine Romance. He lives in New York.
In "Notre Dame," which appeared in American Poetry Review, Stephanie Brown describes staying with her family in an apartment near the great cathedral in Paris....
Paul Violi's "Now I'll Never Be Able to Finish that Poem to Bob" is in the new issue of the Brooklyn-based literary magazine Hanging Loose. The poem is jolly and even madcap...

Read it all here

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