
Saturday, February 04, 2012

If you have a manuscript which needs shaping ...

TNSoW Manuscript Midwives

If you have recently finishing writing a poetry manuscript and are looking for guidance to help edit, shape and prepare your work for submission to publishers, TNSoW currently offers Manuscript Midwifery by the following poet:
This course is offered as a “master class course” by distance, with all communication occurring by email and/or phone.
Submission Guidelines and Course Outline:
1) All manuscripts must be submitted for selection by Phil Hall. Submissions should be made by email to with the subject heading “Manuscript Reading: Phil Hall” with the manuscript attached as a Word Doc or Text Doc. You will be contacted and informed if the instructor will be able to help you with your manuscript. At this time you will also be contacted by TNSoW Administration to arrange payment.
2) TNSoW’s Manuscript Midwifery is a three-week intensive that is scheduled by the instructor with the author once payment has been made. The first week is a reading period on the part of the instructor who will carefully read the manuscript and make notes; the second week is spent in full communication with the writer by email &/or phone in order to go through the manuscript page by page; the third and final week is dedicated to a final shaping of the whole book.
Price: $475.00 
Read all about it and other programs at

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