
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Poetry events for everyone. Jan Napier & Nadine Browne on 11 Feb. What's on at Perth Poetry Club and elsewhere

Perth Poetry Club is Perth's first weekly poetry and spoken word event. Saturdays 2-4pm at The Moon Cafe, 323 William Street, Northbridge. Supported entirely by donations, organised by unpaid volunteers, since March 2009. Featured guests, open mike (up to 3 minutes: that's about 60 lines), professional sound. Everyone is welcome.

What's on at Perth Poetry Club this week
11 Feb: Jan Napier + Nadine Browne
Jan Napier has been bitten good and hard by the poetry bug. She intends to remain infected for life. Her writing has been showcased in Famous Reporter, Poetry NZ, Unusual Work, Dotdotdash, The Mozzie, Speed Poets, plus other journals and anthologies. She also writes book reviews for the on line zine Antipodean SF.
Nadine Browne writes poetry and short fiction when her novel writing isn't going that well. Hence she is quite prolific. She has been published in literary journals, including Antipodes and Page Seventeen, has won the Maj Monologues 2009, does stories with Barefaced Storytelling and came runner up in the Australian Poetry Slam in November last year.

What's coming up at Perth Poetry Club

18 Feb: Jeremy Balius + Craig Rogers
25 Feb: Alan Hancock
3 Mar: Ray Unit + Peter Bibby
10 Mar: Meg McKinlay + Annie Otness
17 Mar: Paul Sutherland + TBA
24 Mar: Praveen Elango + TBA
31 Mar: Jake Dennis + Sunny-Belle Roberts-Floyd

Other poetry events coming up in Perth:
12 noon on Saturday 11 Feb: Launch of 'Sunlight of Ordinary Days' at Peter Cowan Writers Centre, Joondalup. Julie Watts, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, Gary Colombo De Piazzi, Flora Smith, John Charles Ryan, Liana Joy Christensen and more.

Sunday afternoon (12 Feb): OCCUPY ART LAB Poetry, hip-hop and music with lots of performers including Janet J and the first ever hearing of Spoken Zeks featuring ParkBear, Splodge and Raymond Grenfell with Katie on drums, as part of the OCCUPY ART LAB weekend. 1pm at Treasury Building on Barrack St between Hay St & St Georges Tce

Monday night (13 Feb): Voicebox features Zan Ross and Chris Arnold. 7:45pm at Clancy's Fishpub, 51 Cantonment Street, Fremantle.

Tuesday night (14 Feb): Love Poetry 2012 with a menagerie of poets (Dennis Haskell, Lucy Dougan, Andrew Burke, Kevin Gillam, Vivienne Glance, Amanda Joy, Danny Gunzburg, Jaya Penelope, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, Veronica Lake and Chris Arnold) 7pm in the Japanese Garden at the Zoo. Tickets are available at the gate or at $20 for WAPI members $25 otherwise.

Thursday nights: RawHyde music & word open mike with MC Tomas Ford. From 9pm at the Hyde Park Hotel, cnr Bulwer & Fitzgerald Sts, arrive early to sign up.

Next Sunday afternoon 19 Feb: Kevin Gillam talks about Music & the Muse, 3:30pm @ Love2Read temporary cafe out front of the State Library.

Advance notice (details to come)

Starting 9 March: new poetry night fortnightly Fridays at Soul Tree Cafe in Glen Forrest. Remember Jazmin? It's her cafe.

Sun 25 March: A System of Linked Sounds. Janet Jackson presents a whole day of poetic pleasure at FAWWA in Swanbourne. Something for everyone: workshop, performance, discussion, open mike.

Sun 31 March: Fashionable Clash: our own MC Naked Blind aka Neil J Pattinson is putting on a gig at Fringe Gallery.

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