
Saturday, May 05, 2012

One character displays another at Perth Poetry Club

Above, see Professor Glen Phillips holding up one of his four poems based on their central Chinese character at Perth Poetry Club at the Moon Cafe on a recent Saturday afternoon. As a guest of PPC, and a seasoned campaigner, Glen suggested a theme to the audience - Don't let your poems gather dust in a bottom drawer. Get them out into the public anyway you can. In this day and age it is economical to publish your own works if the old established channels are too slow and persnickety when it comes to design, illustration, etc. 

His examples included a new book on the brink of publication, titled Six Seasons (ICLL at ECU and a Chinese university), large format but thin volume of Chinese character poems (illustrated above) and a wonderful large format tabletop collection of poems with matching landscape photos. 

Perth Poetry Club meets each and every Saturday at 2pm-4pm at 
The Moon Cafe, 323 William Street, Northbridge

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