
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Ad lib ...

* PRESSPRESS CHAPBOOK AWARD :: A poetry chapbook prize. $500 and publication
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* REAL COOL by MARTIN FILLER at The New York Review of BooksRoy Lichtenstein: A Retrospective
an exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago, May 23–September 3, 2012; the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., October 14, 2012–January 13, 2013; Tate Modern, London, February 21–May 27, 2013; and the Centre Pompidou, Paris, July 3–November 4, 2013

  "The heart of the current Lichtenstein exhibition is a large gallery hung with sixteen of his best comic-book paintings of the early Sixties, including my personal favorite, We Rose Up Slowly (1964), which shows an enraptured romance-comic couple submerged underwater and just about to kiss. The square canvas that outlines these improbably gorgeous cartoon blondes is joined at the left to a second panel, one third the width of the first and inscribed with this breathless text against an off-white background 

Lichtenstein’s propulsive close-up, with the couple’s enormous visages opposed at a dynamic diagonal and engulfed by swirling eddies and effervescent bubbles, brings to mind such upwardly spiraling Baroque constructs as Rubens’s The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus (1618), in which the heads of the principal protagonists are almost a mirror image of those in this composition, though in the Pop pastiche the woman offers no resistance to her eager swain."
Read on HERE

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