
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Read up! There's more in store - Mail order is a wonderful thing for obscure titles.

new titles in store at

Ai Weiwei’s Blog: writings, interviews, & digital rants, 2006—2009
PRICE  $38.95 • MIT• import
Ai Weiwei would be an interesting artist (and architect, designer, thinker) even if he hadn’t attained superstar-dissident status.  Of course his greatness as an artist may partly have come out of his rising to meet the challenge to freedom that the Chinese state represents.  This book gives an idea of the development of some of his main ideas & constitutes one of the more significant blogs in the world.

Peter Robb
PRICE  $32.95 • Black Inc
Various short biographies: from contemporary Australia, from Italy & from ‘elsewhere’—mostly artistic, bohemian or otherwise interesting, louche, aslant or tragically off true.  Peter Robb is remembered particularly forMidnight In Sicily& his life of Caravaggio.

Mouths & Meaning: Workshop 1
Bronwyn Platten
PRICE  $20 • Salford Uni Press • import
Major Adelaide artist long resident in the UK: Platten’s book presents the outcomes of some research into bodily self-image, the text explaining something of the background & intentions behind the research & behind its methods.  The images come from the workshops conducted: people’s drawings—often with eyes closed—of how they imagine the interior of their mouths to be.  So, art as a tool for investigating attitudes to eating, food, pleasure, self-denial etc.

Studio —documents contemporary art series
Ed. Jens Hoffmann
PRICE  $36.95 • MIT Press
Statements about & history of, studio practice—studio as world, environment, production workshop, place for thought & research, for refuge & fantasy, for “a cigarette of tea & a bit of a think” (as per Guston), as an ‘empire’ (Anselm Kiefer, say).  Another in this very persuasive series.

Dictionary of Received Ideas 
Gustave Flaubert
PRICE  $20 • One world Classics
Gus Flaubert’s delighted scorn & wearied hatred of the cliché, the platitude, the borrowed and unquestioned idea of the ‘right thinking’ personage.  He collected thousands of them — & a selection has come down to us published as The Dictionary Of Received Ideas: a catalogue of pompous, thoughtless convictions & prejudices masquerading as evident truth & ‘insider’ knowledge.  
Maintain your rage!  Flaubert did.

And a mountain more! Poetry, avant-garde creative and non-fiction ... niche magazine titles ... philosophy ... small press titles ...

australian experimental
art foundation

ken bolton

lion arts centre
north tce [west end]
adelaide : australia
+61 08 8211 7505

tue-fri  11am-5pm
sat  2pm-pm

we take visa
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mail orders welcome

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