
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Creatrix Poetry Anthology - on sale at WA Poetry Festival

An Anthology of selected Creatrix Poetry and Haiku has been printed and will be avaialble for sale  during the WA Poetry Festival  for just $15 ($10 for contributors). 

To quote Shane McCaulley "This is one of the best anthologies of Australian poetry that I have read in some time … This is as varied a group of poems and poets as one could hope to meet." 

Contributors include:

Tash    Adams
Robert    Adamson
Chris    Arnold
Jeremy    Bailius
David    Barnes
Nicholas    Barwell
John    Bird
Dawn    Bruce
Andrew    Burke
Graeme    Butler
Saz    Campbell
Coral    Carter
Liana Joy    Christensen
Josephine    Clarke
Sally    Clarke
Sue    Clennell
Gary Colombo    De Piazzi
Gabrielle     Everall
Derek    Fenton
Lorin    Ford
Beverly    George
Kevin    Gillam
Paul    Harrison
Matt    Hetherington
Janet    Jackson
Tanya    Jaw
Paula    Jones
Amanda    Joy
Kate    King
Christopher    Konrad
Andrew    Landsdown
Mark    Lonegran
Myron    Lysenko
Mardi    May
Margaret    McGee
Dean    Meredith
Scott-Patrick    Mitchell
Karen    Murphy
Jan    Napier
Liz     Nicholls
Elio    Novello
Graham    Nunn
Virginia    O'Keefe
Ron    Okely
Allan    Padgett
Chris    Palozzolo
Joyce    Parkes
Renee    Petitt-Schipp
Greg    Piko
Jack    Prewitt
Gail    Robinson
Peter    Rondel
Emma    Rooksby
Cynthia    Rowe
Anthony     Rutledge
John    Ryan
Maureen    Sexton
Flora    Smith
Geoff    Stevens
Jacqui    Stewart
Rod    Tinniswood
Rose    van Son
Jonothon     Watts
Mags    Webster
AnnaMaria     Weldon
Quendryth    Young

For more information plus a 'play list' for the Poetry Festival, go to 

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