
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Have a read of ...

I've been reading my emails this Sunday morning as my wife mentions the gardening repeatedly in the background. Sigh. Anyway, the point of telling you this is to prompt you to check out a new and interesting site I have found for readers and writers: The ... As the gardening apparently can't waigt, I shall pass it over to you to read on - there's a great section in it which I shall happily copy for Australian poets, The Last Poem I Loved, written by various guests. The piece on Galway Kinnell is great - have a read.


The is an online magazine focused on culture, as opposed to "pop culture." Pop culture can be hard to define and the term means different things to different people. Basically, we're not opposed to things that are popular, but we have no interest in "art" created by marketing executives. And we have no interest in derivative art, like images of famous people made from shoelaces or Star Wars characters in funny wigs. (More on what we're about herehere, and here.)
The Rumpus is not worried about being the first to break the news. We care about good writing, and we'll publish essays just because the writing is good. And we won't run a well crafted meditation alongside an actor's opinion of the war in Iraq. (more)

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