
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Calls for submissions: 2013 Valentine's Day Poetry Event

Following a successful 2012 Valentine’s Day Poetry Event in the Japanese Garden at the Perth Zoo, WA Poets Inc will present a similar event in 2013 (Thursday 14th February, 7 – 10 pm).


As part of the forward planning we are requesting submissions for the following:

1)   suggestions of a name for the event.

2)  expressions of interest from poets wishing to participate. Whilst all submissions will be considered, preference will be given to WA Poets Inc members and those who are able to incorporatesound/music and or visuals as part of their poetry. Email a brief bio and synopsis of your planned performance.

3)   expressions of interest from visual artists who wish to suggest and develop concepts and ideas for visual projections onto a rammed earth wall to support/supplement the poetry. Email a brief bio and synopsis of your planned visual concept.

Subject to successful funding applications, a fee will be paid to all performers.

Please email your submissions before Friday 28th Sept. 2012 to: with 2013 Love Poetry as the subject.

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