
Saturday, October 13, 2012

the image at the edge of art

"Please retain the deckles," or, something like that, said to have been said by William Morris to a binder who, in turn, chopped off the deckles and kept them nicely in a separate packet to return to Mr Morris - so, if what's good enough for him is good enough for me, here are the deckles !  -  actually, I cut them off because, in the next book I'm printing, most of the material on the rectos is the same, and if I kept the outer deckle on the sheet I'd have to reset the form on the press each time I wanted to print on the other side of the sheet - but with straight edges on both sides of the sheets, I can simply flop the sheet over to print on the other side. . .

Writ by Alan Loney, poet, typographer, maker of books, writer on the nature of the book -

this quote from his blog at Election Editions

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