
Friday, November 23, 2012

Coming attraction: Sappho's last poetry night of 2012

  • 19:00 until 22:00
  • For Sappho Cafe and Bookstore's last poetry night of the year, the second Tuesday of December, we have special guest poets Peter Boyle, Philip Hammial and Michelle Cahilll, plus the open mic section.


    is a Sydney poet and translator of French and Spanish poetry. He has published five collections of poetry, including most recently 'Apocrypha' which won the Queensland Premier's Poetry Prize and the ARTS ACT Judith Wright Award. He had read at the Struga Poetry Festival in Macedonia, as well as poetry festivals in Medellín, Caracas and Paris. A new collection 'Towns in the Great Desert' is forthcoming from Puncher & Wattmann in 2013. Among his translations of Spanish poetry are 'Anima' by José Kozer (2011) and 'The Trees: selected poems of Eugenio Montejo' (2004).

    writes poetry and fiction. She is the editor of Mascara Literary Review and co-editor of the forthcoming Puncher and Wattmann anthology of Asian-Australian Poetry. She has been shortlisted and highly commended in several prizes, notably the Blake Poetry Prize, the Wesley Michel Wright and the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for her collection 'Vishvarupa'. She was awarded the Val Vallis Award and the Inverawe Poetry Prize. Her poetry is anthologised in '30 Australian Poets', edited Felicity Plunkett, and '51 Contemporary Australian Poets', edited by Pam Brown. 'Nightbirds' (Vagabond Press, 2012) is her latest chapbook.

    has had 25 collections of poetry published, two of which were shortlisted for the Kenneth Slessor Prize & one for the ACT Poetry Prize. His poems have appeared in 26 poetry anthologies & in 90 journals in ten countries. He has represented Australia at seven major international poetry festivals, most recently at Medellin in Colombia. For six months in 2009/10 he was the Australian Writer-in-Residence at the Cité International in Paris. Also an artist, Hammial has had 30 solo exhibitions & has participated in 70 group exhibitions including two in Paris. Travelling for a total of eleven years, he has visited 81 countries. His latest collection of poems is called 'Detroit' (Island Press, 2012).

    for the open mic section, just turn up on the night and put your name down. Up to two minutes each, preferably one poem each. Spots are limited so get in early.


    Come and celebrate a great year of poetry nights at Sappho's in the courtyard garden with some more great poetry, wine and tapas! And maybe some Christmas cheer...

    Sappho's Cafe and Bookstore, 51 Glebe Pt Rd, Glebe, NSW
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