
Monday, November 05, 2012

from Voicebox, Fremantle ...

Clancy's Fish Pub, Fremantle

51 Cantonment St

Poets and songwriters, open mike is strictly limited so get there early

Monday 12th November, 7.45pm start

Friendly Freo vibe

Donation $5/$3 conc.

Kay Cairns & Ray Penny
Monday 12th November
Kay Cairns won the 2004 Tom Collins Poetry Prize for her poem 'Exit Wounds’. She has had poems published in indigo, Weighing of the Heart, Famous Reporter, Thirst by Benmax Box, Marginata, and Quadrant.

Ray Penny's first publication was an article in The New Yorker on The America's Cup and its aftermath. He was then published in Bruce Pascoe's Australian Short Stories who published four of the stories he'd previously rejected out of hand. Ray has also had poems in The Australian newspaper, The West Australian, and has written several prize winning and highly commended short stories in competitions. Trafford in Canada published the novel Shadow, A Story of Wolves, an unashamedly "doggie" book that wrote itself over a long, hot summer. Poetry and its disciplined language continue as an interest that Voicebox encourages and Ray would soon like to publish (or self-publish more likely) a collection that will be titled "Poems From Clancy's" or "The Voicebox Years" or something unashamedly commercial.

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