
Monday, November 12, 2012

Jill Jones launch at Sappho's tomorrow

Tuesday 19:00 until 22:00

  • November's poetry night at Sappho's will see the launch of poet Jill Jones's new book, 'Ash is Here, So are Stars', to be launched by Pam Brown. There will be two other poets, Eddie Hopely and Keri Glastonbury, reading their work, and the usual open mic section as well!



    Book Launch: ‘Ash is Here, So are Stars’

    This new book by award-winning poet, Jill Jones, revels in language’s restlessness, enchantment and grit. Its voices are full of complexity and spontaneity, urgency and delight. 'Ash is Here, So are Stars' contains an expanded version of the sequence ‘In Fire City', which was shortlisted for the 2011 Whitmore Press Manuscript Prize. The 'city' in this sequence is made from textual and material intensities sampled from Australian cities, as well as traces of real and imagined cities that may resemble a London, LA or New York. The book also contains three longer poems that took shape when the poet lived and walked through areas of Sydney.

    Jill Jones's previous books include 'Dark Bright Doors', 'Broken/Open', and 'Screens Jets Heaven', winner of the 2003 Kenneth Slessor Poetry Prize. Her work is represented in a number of major anthologies including the Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature and The Penguin Anthology of Australian Poetry. She lives in Adelaide.

    Eddie Hopely is a poet from the United States, now based in Sydney. He organized Blanket, a Philadelphia poetics/talk series, and is the author of some chapbooks.

    Keri Glastonbury is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at The University of Newcastle. She completed a DCA at UTS with a thesis titled ‘Shut Up: Nobody Wants To Hear Your Poems’. 'Grit Salute', her first full length collection, has been recently published by SOI3.


    To read your work in the open mic reading, just turn up on the night and put your name on the list. 2mins each so we can fit everyone in.

    The wine and tapas bar will be open so you can have a meal and glass/bottle of wine whilst listening to the poetry.

    Starts at 7:00pm in the garden at Sappho Cafe and Bookshop. 
    Look forward to seeing you there.

    51 Glebe Point Road, Glebe, New South Wales

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