
Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Tom Collins Poetry Prize 2012 - LAST DAYS TO ENTER

The Tom Collins Poetry Prize is an annual competition inaugurated by FAWWA in 1975 in memory of Australian author Joseph Furphy (1843 - 1912) who wrote as Tom Collins.
Opening Date: September 1st 2012 Closing Date: December 15th 2012 (Entries must be postmarked by this date to be accepted.)
Winners Announced: late February 2013
Number of Lines: Maximum 60 lines per poem.
Prizes: First $1000, Second $400, 4 x Highly Commended $150, 4 x Commended (certificate only)
Entry Fee: $10 for one poem, $15 for two, $20 for three (maximum of three poems per author). Payable by Cheque or Money Order (payable to FAWWA) or by Visa or MasterCard
  1. All work must be previously unpublished. Work broadcast, or performed, are classified as published.
  2. The Fellowship of Australian Writers (WA) reserves the right to publish the winning, second place and highly commended entries in its publications. Results will be published in FAWWA publications.
  3. Non-award-winning manuscripts are destroyed after the competition and will not be returned. Ensure you keep a copy.
  4. A pen name must be used and CHANGED for each poem. The real name of the author must not appear on the manuscript.
  5. Each poem must have a cover page with only the following information; Competition, Title of Poem, Pen Name.
  6. A COMPLETED entry form must be enclosed. Ensure all sections are filled out and the entry form is signed. Entry fee of $10 per poem should be paid by cheque or money order made payable to FAWWA, or by Visaor MasterCard. Credit card payments. Sending of cash is at competitor’s own risk.
  7. The judge’s decision is final. Competitors must not communicate with the judge before or during the com-petition. All unsuccessful entries will be shredded after the competition
  8. If a list of prize winners is required, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your entry or provide your email address on the entry form.
  9. Send entries to: Competition Secretary, Entry for TCPP, PO Box 6180 Swanbourne WA 6910
    Note: It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure entries comply with all the terms and conditions of entry.If any entry is excluded due to non-compliance of these terms and conditions, the competitor will not be notified nor will the entry fee be refunded.
For any queries visit - email or phone 08 9384 4771 Or you may send a self-address stamped envelope to FAWWA, PO Box 6180, Swanbourne WA 6910
FELLOWSHIP NEWS November 2012 6
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Entry Form
Please ensure ALL fields are completed. Entrants MUST DATE and SIGN the entry form.
Entry Fee: Payment for ___ entries @ $10 for one $15 for two $20 for three = TOTAL AU$ ________
PleasefindenclosedaCheque/MoneyOrder (madepayabletoFAWWA)I authorise you to deduct the total amount of $___ from the credit card detailed below.EFT (see bottom of page)
Credit Card Number:
Expiry Date:
Title of Entry 1: Pen Name 1:
Title of Entry 2: Pen Name 2:
Title of Entry 3: Pen Name 3:
Name on Card: __________________________________
No of Lines:
No of Lines:
No of Lines:
Where did you hear about the Tom Collins Poetry Prize? SSAE enclosed for results {please circle}: Yes/No
I agree to the terms and conditions of entry.
Signed: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________

For Electronic funds transfer:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
BSB number: Account number: Reference:
Insert your own name and what payment is for. Please mention payment on your entry form
Fellowship of Australian Writers WA Inc PO Box 6180 Swanbourne WA (08) 9384 4771

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