
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Australian Poetry Review - an open endorsement.

Somebody recently asked me how I 'keep up' with so much poetry news, how I know what's happening. I don't. What you see here are just snippets. And another person asked me why I don't write my own blog more, cast my opinion amongst the clutter and clatter of noise out there. I just pass on what I feel is interesting and what others might miss - and always through the narrow focus of my own interests. Another praised how much I do steer them toward. Thank you.

One poetry critic I have always enjoyed and respected is Martin Duwell. Somewhere in the sunny past Duwell edited and managed a publishing adventure - was it Gargoyle Poets? Today I went to his site and looked up his History to check. It was 'Under Construction'. It is always Under Construction - as is he, as are we. (Maybe the dead are under deconstruction.)

Martin Duwell was also a major reviewer of all books poetic at The Australian for many years, and I bought the Weekend Oz just to read what he said. I respect the man and thank him for his deep intellectual involvement with Australian poetry in an active, truly contemporary sense.

And now you are wondering what all this preamble is about. It is simply I'd like to point you to his blog. I hope you will get as much out of it as I do. He does deep readings of recent Australian poetry titles and in doing so helps readers see the latest contemporary title(s) as 'important' literature, not simply books that pass in the night. He respects the word and tells us why.

Go and enjoy -  The Duwell in the Eucalypt, om.

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