
Monday, January 28, 2013

Jack Kerouac's 'COLLECTED POEMS'

Kerouac Collected Poems



The Library of America’s new collection, the daunting Jack Kerouac: Collected Poems is a staggering book in numerous ways. It’s sheer size, over 700 pages testifies to a person who thought and lived in his own world of poetry the way some of us live with our mundane daily concerns. He wrote more poems that most of us will read in our lifetimes. This book, masterfully edited and arranged by Marilene Phipps-Kettlewell, brings together many published books of poems as well as a large smattering of unpublished works. Phipps-Kettlewell not only edited this tome, but put together a brilliant introduction entitled “Jack Kerouac, In His Own Words.” The introduction, regardless if you feel you can wade through the 700+ pages of poetry, deserves its own read through. Phipps-Kettlewell cuts and pastes her way through all of Kerouac’s poems to create a vivid sort of autobiography of the man and his thought. On top of this she adds a collection of other poets’ thoughts on Kerouac and adds her own ideas giving us beautiful insights like this:

To be a poet’s poet is to hurt. To hurt singularly, to hurt incomprehensibly, to suffer a wound that never heals, a wound not meant to heal because bleeding is the very nature of this wound–it is a divine gift–it is the wound of a savior.

Playing basketball
– the lady next door
Watching again.

- Kerouac

Carry on reading HERE


Dive into the pool of thought, but don't hit your head.

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