
Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Poetry Magazine

Uneven Floor is a poetry magazine in blog form. It plans to publish five or six poems by a featured poet roughly once a month and two or three individual poems each week. Its mission is to get more readers for new poems and poets from Western Australia and beyond. Read poems and more information at
The first featured poet is Neil J Pattinson, with four regular poems (as Neil interprets 'regular'), two haar-cooo and one front-of-the-envelope graphic. You know you want to. While you're there, check out poems from WA poets Allan Padgett, Kia Groom, Maureen Sexton and Terry Farrell, and UK poet Anthony Costello.


Uneven Floor does not accept unsolicited submissions. Instead readers are invited to nominate poets whose work they'd like to see in Uneven Floor.

Spread the word

Please spread the word! Forward this message. If you have a website or blog, link Uneven Floor and let us know so we can return the favour. Share, like, tweet and recommend Uneven Floor and the poems in it, and leave comments on the poems. This helps make the magazine more visible online.
The founding editor is Perth-based poet and writer Jackson. Enquiries:

Why the name?To make the tables wobble, and force you to watch what you're doing, as you should.

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