
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SOFTBLOW contemporary poetry magazine

from the current Editorial of SOFTBLOW:

Founded by Singapore-based poet Cyril Wong, SOFTBLOW has been a home for contemporary poetry from all over the world since Sep. 2004. From Nov. 2009, we have had a new selection and editorial team comprising of Eric Low, Gwee Li Sui and Jason Wee. We also have a page on Facebook for announcements about future updates.

T.S. Eliot once stated that "it must be the small and obscure papers and reviews, those which are hardly read by anyone but their own contributors, that will keep critical thought alive and encourage authors of individual talent." More than just another literary site featuring excellent work by such talents, SOFTBLOW also hopes to better focus the eye back on the poem. This journal does not pretend to exist for a general reading audience. It is for unswerving lovers of poetry who also appreciate how far poetry has come over time.

SOFTBLOW is ad free. We do not get paid for doing this. Poets will not be remunerated for having their works featured here. This journal is updated at the start of every month. All poets featured in the past are placed in our

Prose that defies categorising falls under poetry in our book and is more than welcome here at SOFTBLOW. To submit, simply paste 4-6 works with a short biography in the body of an email and send it to
editor @ Copyrights revert to the authors upon publication. All work published is with their expressed consent.

The images for this site are courtesy of Sarah Quek, who is currently furthering her studies in art and does illustrations on the side.

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