
Thursday, February 14, 2013

This Saturday, 2pm - THE CHAMBER POT : Don't be late.

The Chamber Pot #1
Public Event by Myron Lysenko
2pm - 4pm

Woodend's Premier Spoken Word Event
featuring poets from Victoria and New South Wales:

ROSS DONLON (Castlemaine)
EMILY MANGER (Melbourne)
Compere: Myron Lysenko (Woodend)

Plus Open Stage.
If you wish to read on the open stage
please arrive by 1.45 pm to book a 5 minute spot.

Coffee and cake available

90 High Street, Woodend, Victoria 3442

Enquiries: Myron 0430 298 345

Here's a little poem by me, first appeared at The Wonder Book of Poetry -

Ants and Us
Andrew Burke

Today again
in this new town
a million or two tiny ants
keep formation going about
their business following
their instincts and i liken
them again to us as
i have since i was knee-high
to a grasshopper we too
follow our instincts to eat
to reproduce to follow
our leaders with our two feet
handicapped as we are
by human intelligence
beclouding our instincts with
unsettling clouds of thought.

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