
Thursday, March 28, 2013

ABC Radfio National - upcoming events

The ABC's Radio National has its own engrossing website at It is full of interesting topics and programs, so I've just plucked two out to whet your appetite.

Big Ideas for Australia:  A special Big Ideas forum on Friday 12 April at the ABC in Brisbane will explore the merit—or otherwise—of developing northern Australia. It's the first in a series called Big Ideas for Australia to be broadcast on Radio National over the coming months. To register your attendance, follow the link. This is a free event. For those not in Brisbane, you can hear the discussion on Big Ideas on Monday 15 April.

RN's Book Club:  Get reading now, in time for our next meeting on Thursday 25 April when we discuss the next book on our list of ten American Classics: Steinbeck'sThe Grapes of Wrath. If you missed this morning's discussion on Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird with guests ABC TV Book Club presenter Jennifer Byrne; Alabama History Professor and friend of Harper Lee Dr Wayne Flint; author and documentary film maker Mary McDonagh Murphy from Charleston; and Year 9 Melbourne student Chelsea Smith, you can catch-up here.

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