
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Australian Book Review announces Fellowships

ABR Voiceless Fellowship

voiceless instituteAustralian Book Review seeks applications for the ABR Voiceless Fellowship. We welcome proposals for a new article of 7000–8000 words on any aspect of animal protection. The article will appear in the print magazine and online. All published Australian writers are eligible to apply. This Fellowship – the ninth to be offered by ABR –  is worth $5000. Applications close 31 May 2013. ABR gratefully acknowledges the support of Voiceless, the animal protection institute.
• Media release
• Guidelines
• Past Fellowships

 ABR Ian Potter Foundation Fellowship

Australian Book Review
seeks applications for the ABR Ian Potter Foundation Fellowship. We welcome proposals for a new article of 7000–8000 words on any aspect of the performing arts (music, theatre, dance). The article will appear in ABR’s Performing Arts issue, to be published in November 2013. All published Australian writers are eligible to apply. This Fellowship – the eighth to be offered by ABR –  is worth $5000. Applications close 15 April 2013. ABR gratefully acknowledges the support of The Ian Potter Foundation.
• Media release• Guidelines• Past Fellowships

About ABR Fellowships

Fellowships are intended to reward outstanding Australian writers, to enhance ABR through the publication of major works of literary journalism, and to advance the magazine’s commitment to critical debate. Read about past ABR Fellowships.
Each ABR Fellowship is worth $5000. Funded by ABR’s generous Patrons and philanthropic foundations such as the Sidney Myer Fund (which funded two ABR Fellowships), the Fellowship program is intended to reward outstanding Australian writers and to advance the magazine’s commitment to critical debate and literary values. ABR will offer two or three such Fellowships each year. Read about past ABR Fellowships.
The Fellowship program offers the successful applicant a chance to produce an extended collaborative non-fiction essay in consultation with ABR. Unlike the Calibre Prize the Fellowship program is not for finished essays or articles. To gain a better sense of the magazine’s style and content, applicants may wish to subscribe to the print edition, or to ABR Online. We are looking for a sophisticated understanding of what the magazine represents.
ABR again thanks all of its Patrons, who support the magazine through tax-deductible donations of $250 or more. These donations are vital for the magazine’s future.
‘The ABR Patrons’ Fellowship is a laudable initiative, and I am grateful and fortunate to have been the inaugural fellow.’
– Patrick Allington
‘This fellowship was a real gift. These fellowships provide valuable support for literary journalism. Thank you, ABR.’
– Rachel Buchanan
The most endearing, and the best, journal of words and ideas. The original stories and poetry are a delight to welcome each month. Supporters can be proud of their judgement.
– John Bryson, ABR Patron

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