
Monday, March 04, 2013

Australian Love Poems 2013 edited by Mark Tredinnick

We are looking for poems that explore all aspects of love: the dark and the light of it; the holy mess of it; the beginning and the end; the ferocity and tenderness; the way it unmakes us, as we make it; the emptiness it leaves when it leaves.

There are many species of love, but it is ‘amatory love’ (as Octavio Paz puts it) we’re most interested in here. We want poems of eros and phillia, desire and devotion and longing and loss—love of the Dido and Aeneas kind; the love Neruda sang; the sort of thing Jonne Donne never stopped exploring; the territory Leonard Cohen never stops walking; the bittersweet, remorseless affection Sappho and Catullus wrote; the love Auden mourns when he wishes the clocks would stop; the oceanic but plainer-sailing kind of affair Emily Dickinson imagined.

Love stays, sometimes; love grows old; and we’re interested in love like that, too. Love that flares and burns and dies; love that is kind—or complicated—and long.

Submission Guidelines

  • You are eligible to submit poems to this collection if you live in
          Australia or are an Australian citizen living overseas
  • You can submit up to 3 poems that have never been published
  • Your poems can be no longer than 40 lines
  • Your poems will be accepted until midnight April 26
  • Please layout your poems in 12 point font with 1.5 spacing
  • Email submissions preferred. Please send poems in a MS Word
  • Document to Send hard copy
  • submission to P.O. Box 310, Carlton South, 3053
  • Include: the title of your poem, your name, your email and
  • postal address, phone number and a 50 word biography
We are able to pay $80 for poems selected in this manuscript and
each poet will receive a copy of Australian Love Poems 2013.
We expect to publish this collection by July 2013.
All poets will be notified of their acceptance by 30 June 2013.

Please do not send your submissions to the editor of this volume.
All submissions must be sent to
or they will not be considered.

Mark Tredinnick
Mark Tredinnick: author of the award winning landscape memoir The Blue Plateau (UQP 2009) Australia’s Wild Weather (National Library 2011). Known for his books on the art of writing: The Little Red Writing Book, The Little Green Grammar Book and with Geoff Whyte, The Little Black Book of Business Writing (UNSW Press) he has recorded his poems with River Road Press on the CD, The Road South and his first poetry collection Fire Diary (Puncher & Wattman 2010) won the Western Australian Premier’s Award. Tredinnick’s honours include the inaugural Montreal Poetry Prize, the prestigious Cardiff Poetry Prize, the Blake Poetry Prize, the Newcastle Poetry Prize (twice) and the Calibre Essay Prize.

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