
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Short Story Competitions – April, May, June – 2013




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The Australian Literature Review is running

monthly short story competitions for

April, May and June.

Stories should be 1,000-3,000 words in length and fit the theme for
the relevant month. Stories should be submitted to
as an attached document or in the body of the email. Multiple entries
are permitted but only submit each story for one of the months.

Stories are due by midnight on the 20th of each month and the winner
will be announced on the 30th of each month.

Shortlisted stories each month will be displayed on The Australian
Literature Review, helping writers reach readers and gain recognition.
The winning story each month will receive a book pack and feedback
from a published novelist.

Writers outside Australia are welcome to enter to have your story short-
listed and displayed on the site but only writers in Australia are eligible
for the monthly prizes. International writers should indicate in your
email if you live outside Australia.

APRIL (theme: Conflict Between Close Friends)

Stories should have a strong element of conflict between characters
who are or were close friends.

- a book pack (titles below) courtesy of Random House Australia
- feedback of 400-500 words on your story by Lia Weston
The Indigo SkyA Distant LandDeath of a River GuideA Changing LandAvalanche PassGilgamesh by Joan LondonHeartbreak HotelSalvation Creek

MAY (theme: Small Town Setting)

Stories should be clearly set in a small town. Note that this is a short
STORY competition, so your characters should do something interesting
in your small town setting. It should not just be a contemplation
of the setting.

- a book pack (titles available soon) courtesy of Bloomsbury Australia
- feedback of 400-500 words on your story by Alison Booth

JUNE (theme: Mystery or Detective)

Stories should have a strong mystery element with clear stakes for the
characters, and this mystery could be pursued by an everyday
character or a professional.

- a book pack (titles available soon) courtesy of Simon & Schuster Australia
- feedback of 400-500 words on your story by Phillipa Fioretti

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