
Friday, March 08, 2013

The Real Through Line: A Poetry Symposium

· 09:00 until 20:30
Presented by Monash University Centre for Australian and
Postcolonial Writing and RMIT
This cross-institutional, multi-disciplinary symposium brings
together leading scholars and practitioners interested in the poetry
of the real world. The symposium proposes viewing and
celebrating the poem as a medium of formal aesthetic production
with a discernible content. Such a view could account for some
of the most exciting and ground-breaking works of recent and
contemporary poetry in which the Real has entered, transformed
and has in turn been transformed, by the aesthetics of the poetic
space. This event brings together scholarship and creative works
that testify to the potential of the poetic line to extend and
multiply our conceptions of non-fiction writing. It intends to
celebrate/discuss/interrogate a literary mode in which poets  
openly engage with auto/biography, history, politics, economics,
mathematics, cultural analysis, science, the environment, and all
other aspects of real world experience, recollection and

Followed by readings at Collected Works Bookshop
Level 1/37 Swanston Street, Melbourne


Louis Armand is an editor of VLAK magazine and lectures

in the Philosophy Faculty of Charles University. He has pub-
lished seven collections of poetry, most recently, Letters from
Ausland and Synopticon (with John Kinsella), as well as four
novels and a number of volumes of criticism.

Jill Jones is a senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide.

She is the author of 14 books, the most recent being Ash is Here,
So are Stars and Senses Working Out.

π. O. is a founding member of the Poets’ Union and has edited

many works, including Off the Record for Penguin. His most r
ecent book of poetry is Big Numbers: New and Selected Poems.

Felicity Plunkett is the poetry editor at University of Queensland  

Press as well as a research consultant at the University of
Queensland. She has published two books, Vanishing Point and

Jordie Albiston is a prominent Melbourne poet and academic.

She has written six books, the most recent of which are Vertigo:
A Cantata and the sonnet according to ‘m’.

Justin Clemens is a senior lecturer at Melbourne University.

His latest works include The Mundiad and Villain while a new work,
Psychoanalysis is an antiphilosophy, is due to be released in 2013.

Ann Vickery is a senior lecturer at Deakin University. She has  

published numerous scholarly works, the most well-known of
which is Stressing the Modern: Cultural Politics in Australian
Women’s Poetry.

Patrick Jones is currently completing his doctorate at the University  

of Western Sydney. He has edited the anthology Words and Things
and his work has appeared in multiple well-known journals.

Kate Middleton‘s first book Fire Season won the Western

Australian Premier’s Award for Poetry. She was the inaugural
Sydney poet in 2012.

Jessica Wilkinson (convenor) is the editor of RABBIT: a journal

for non-fiction poetry and a lecturer in Creative Writing at RMIT.
Her latest book is the full-length collection marionette: a biography
of miss marion davies.

Ali Alizadeh (convenor) is a lecturer at Monash University and

was shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards in 2012.
His latest work is Transactions, due for release in mid-2013.



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