
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Poem by Andrew Taylor

I am acting editor of The Wonder Book of Poetry while Kit Kelen is away and I have been rounding up outstanding poems from friends. This is one I received from Andrew Taylor which I think is so unusual and delightful I wanted to share it here too. Hope you like it, and cruise on over to
to read some more.

How we survived adolescence

Andrew Taylor

Wherever she tumbled I fell
up hill and down dell dale
and wherever we fell I lay I she lay
panting pantless that day

she me on top of me her
on the ridge of shifting sand
the sea pounding below our
frantic & ampersand

later we packed our gear
our thoughts regrets delight over bright as the moon
[later we left the beach
back to our lonely rooms]
a hug a kiss a quick look round
‘I’ll call you soon!’

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