
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Great review at artshub! Congratulations Regime founders/editors.

By Chrysoula Aiello | Monday June 17 2013

Open the pages of Regime Magazine and you enter, as the publisher’s website claims, ‘the world’s most frivolous of serious literature magazines’. Frivolous it would seem – at least in the second issue’s case – an ascription owing to the editors’ cavalier attitude of running with their good instincts, and, secondly, to the diversity of style and subject allowed entrée in this literary magazine.

There is no trifling when it comes to the quality of the pieces of short story, poetry and performance within. These fiction morsels handpicked by Western Australian-based editors Peter Jeffery OAM, Nathan Hondros, Damon Lockwood and Chris Palazzolo, are sure to satiate any story hunger. Established masters and fresh talent, and Australian and international scribes are all on the magazine’s smorgasbord. The collection of writing in Regime 02 shows the richness of experience that ‘shorts’ have to offer in skilled hands: they can deliver quirky flings, windows of incredible pathos, and render the familiar new.

Geoff Page’s ‘Dear Mum and Dad/I hope you are well’ and ‘Seven Births are Seven Deaths’ softly interrogate the seemingly mundane customs of the child/parent interaction and how they fit into a generational and mortality portrait, respectively from each vantage point of the dichotomy. In ‘Blowie’, a tale of a fishing trip taken by young and old male relatives, Michelle Faye subtly explores the peer pressure that comes with instilling and encouraging tough blokedom, and the volatility and repression it can engender.

Read on HERE

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