
Monday, July 22, 2013

City of Perth Library Haiku Competition

2013 Entry Conditions 

  • Haiku and Senryu will be accepted.
  • Entries must be previously unpublished.
  • Entries are limited to 5 per entrant and must all be on one A4 paper.
  • The name of the poet must be included at the bottom of the page.
  • A separate contact sheet must have name and contact details.
  • The contact sheet must also list the first line of each poem.
  • Font size to be at least 22pt. Any font style is acceptable.
  • Entries will be judged purely on the text.
  • Any pictures or decorations must fit on the page with the Haiku.
Entries close Wed 28 August, 5 pm. Winners will be announced during the Open Mic session at the Library on Fri 6 September.
Submit entries :
  • Post : GPO Box C120 Perth WA 6839
  • Deliver to the Library : Level 1, 140 William St,Perth
Emailed poems must be sent as a word document attachment.

Prizes : 1st $ 250, 2nd $125, 3rd $75.

Entries will be judged by Maureen Sexton, WA representative - Haiku Oz.

By entering, you agree that your name and the poem will be listed on the library blog should you be awarded a prize.
Due to space constraints only the winning haiku will be displayed in the Library.
Entries are welcome from everyone, but overseas entries are not eligible for prizes.
Entries will not be returned unless accompanied with a stamped, self - addressed envelope.

Key points on writing haiku
Brevity is a key element in haiku. Around 12 syllables or less is ideal, but up to 17 syllables is okay. Can be read in one breath. Usually written in 3 lines. Uses simple language. No capital letters or punctuation. Usually a juxtaposition of 2 images, but single image is okay. Captures a 'moment in time'. Written in present tense. Has an 'aha' factor. 

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