
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Poet Myron Lysenko spreads the inspiration ...

MYRON Lysenko is one of the few poets in Australia who has managed to make a good living from his art.
Lysenko, who has published six books, enjoys ‘creative writing’ and teaching others. The Woodend resident is convenor of Chamber Poets, and conducts a monthly poetry reading at the Chamber Art and Coffee House.
“I like to write a lot of different poetry, from formal to modern, and from serious to light-hearted and witty poetry.” 
Asked what makes good poetry, he says it’s easier to know what bad poetry is. “Good poetry depends on the reader or listener. It uses fresh language and in some way moves the reader, moves them into contemplation, to tears or laughter.”
As a child, Lysenko loved reading. “My parents used to argue a lot and to escape their anger I escaped into books. If you love books, you want to try and write one yourself. I thought if I can get one book published, I’ll have a happy life.
“I’ve been very lucky that I’ve made a living from poetry since 1989, not just from selling books but travelling, doing readings and conducting writing workshops in schools.”
The session, open to the public for a donation,  runs from 2-4pm and starts with entertainment from the Black Forest Smoke Band.The next monthly reading, the sixth of its kind, is at the Chamber Art and Coffee House, 90 High Street, Woodend, on Saturday. It will feature novelist and poet Grant Caldwell. Budding poets can read their own work to the audience. 
Details: Myron Lysenko,

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