
Monday, July 01, 2013

Submission to CORDITE 44: GONDWANALAND now open!


GONDWANALAND guest-edited by
Derek Motion
What does Gondwanaland mean to Motion? There is no intended prescriptive statement or gestalt. The name suggests a shared history as well as a process of divergence, the initiation of hemispheric identities.
  • A quartered tangelo?
  • Sri Lanka's drift?
  • Limbs of Xenomelia?
  • The coast near Broome?
Everything is constantly severing, moving and re-forming ... even that which seems most solid or stationary. How does contemporary poetry reach back into prehistoric ecosystems, personalities, engaging with 'the now' of transnational communication? 

What anticipated future shifts and continental/psychological assimilation lay ahead, even a post-Earth / Earth-form identity? There is vast space in this theme. So please submit up to three poems.

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