
Sunday, August 04, 2013

Selected Poems of Ian Templeman

The Watchmaker's Imprint: Selected Poems
<i>The Watchmaker's Imprint </i>by Ian Templeman.
The Watchmaker's Imprint, by Ian Templeman.
by Ian Templeman. Tin Kettle Books. HB $30. 93pp.

The selected poems of Ian Templeman, The Watchmaker's Imprint from Tin Kettle Books, has been ''published as a gift to the author to mark his 75th birthday by three friends, Jan Brown, Paul Hetherington and Penelope Layland''. Templeman has enjoyed a decorated career as a painter, poet and publisher. His friends' selection reaches back to Templeman's first book,Exhibitions of Paintings and Poetry (1967) and includes the long poem Raven, which was written in collaboration with the artist, Jan Brown. The result was the artist's book, A Particular Raven (2000), published by Dianne Fogwell. The internal division of The Watchmaker's Imprint (whose title refers to Templeman's sense of all that he has gratefully inherited from his watchmaker father) is chronological and thematic. Its four parts are Ten Ninety Five (street number of the boarding house run by one of his grandmothers), Venetian PoemsMaking for the Frontier and My Father's Letter.


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