
Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Call for New Asian Short Stories (long deadline, so take notes!)

Professor Kirpal Singh of Singapore Management University and Professor M.A. Quayum of International Islamic University Malaysia will coedit a new collection of Asian short stories.

New and previously unpublished short stories are invited from writers of Asian origin/background or those writing about Asian life, culture and experience.

Submissions should be sent to by 15 July 2014. The edited volume is expected to come out by the end of 2014.

Terms and conditions of entry:
1. Writers must be of Asian origin/background or writing about Asian life, culture and experience.
2. Submission ought to be new, unpublished and not submitted elsewhere.
3. Each author is allowed to submit only one story.
4. Stories must be in English, typed double-spaced in Times New Roman.
5. Stories should not exceed 6000 words in length.
6. Submissions in any other genre are not considered.
7. Writers should include their name and a brief profile (100 words max.) on the cover page of the submission.
8. No submissions will be accepted by post or after the deadline.
9. Successful writers will be contacted on or before 30 September 2014.
10. Further queries about the project should be sent to the email address above.

About the Editors

Kirpal Singh is a renowned poet and academic, and Director of the Wee Kim Wee Centre at the Singapore Management University.

M.A. Quayum is the author, editor or translator of 27 books. He is currently Professor of English at International Islamic University Malaysia and Adjunct Professor in the School of Humanities at Flinders University, Australia.

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