
Monday, September 02, 2013

Melaleuca - September Issue out now

Number 51: September 2013 Editor: Phillip A. Ellis
(Click on heading to go to magazine)

Poets: George Fripley, Mike Greenacre, Rory Hudson, Jacqui Merckenschlager, Max Merckenschlager, Simon Reece and Paul Williamson 

All works are copyright by their respective creators, 2013; the arrangement of this collection is copyright by Phillip A. Ellis, 2013.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License .

You are free to make and pass along copies, so long as you do not charge money or goods for the copy, and as long as this and other issues remain intact.

Submission guidelines: email 2-5 poems, any length, any style, any genre to in the body of a single RTF or DOC attachment. No bios are needed; cover letters are welcome. We accept previously published material and simultaneous submissions; if work is published prior to its appearance in Melaleuca you must advise us accordingly, so that proper attribution can be made.

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