
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No Devils in Tasmania!

Photographs as linked as renku verses. Top one is Lyn Reeves, poet, author and publisher, chairing the Women Writers meeting in Hobart last week, with wild-haired guest Ralph Wessman, founder and editor in chief of Walleah Press, and ex-editor of Famous Reporter. I was also a guest, but luckily there are no pics of me! I was dressed for the Antarctic Circle ...

Second photo is an ancient press in the foyer of the Tasmanian Mercury. When you eat at SMOLT, across the square from Hobart Book Shop, you can walk out a side door into that foyer. Nice to see the respect this old beauty receives.

This one, below, is a clan photo: my two nieces and my nephew with me - Amanda, Belinda, Christopher and 'Uncle Andy'. All together in Hobart at the same time - go figure!

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