
Friday, October 25, 2013

2013 TS Eliot Prize - shortlist

George Szirtes

The complete shortlist for the 2013 TS Eliot Prize has been announced, and features names including George Szirtes, Michael Symmons Roberts and Robin Robertson.
The full list of nominated poets and collections is as follows:
Dannie Abse Speak, Old Parrot (Hutchinson)
Moniza Alvi At the Time of Partition (Bloodaxe)
Anne Carson Red Doc > (Jonathan Cape)
Helen Mort Division Street (Chatto & Windus)
Daljit Nagra Ramayana: A Retelling (Faber)
Maurice Riordan The Water Stealer (Faber)
Robin Robertson Hill of Doors (Picador)
Michael Symmons Roberts Drysalter (Jonathan Cape)
George Szirtes Bad Machine (Bloodaxe)
Michael Symmons Roberts was this year's winner of the Forward Prize. Helen Mort is the surprise inclusion on the list, after having been shortlisted for her first full collection. Born in 1985, she became the youngest ever poet in residence at the Wordsworth Trust in 2010, and is now Derbyshire's poet laureate. She has previously published two pamphlets of poems.
The shortlist comprises 10 books, including four collections (those by George Szirtes, Michael Symmons Roberts, Moniza Alvi and Anne Carson) which have already been named Poetry Book Society Choices from 2013. PBS Choices are automatically shortlisted each year.
The winner, who will be announced on January 13 2014, receives £15,000. Each of the shortlisted poets receives £1,000. The judges are Ian Duhig, Vicki Feaver and Imtiaz Dharker.
Last year's winner was Sharon Olds, for her collection Stag's Leap. She was the first female American poet to win the award.

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