
Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Heaney event and 2014 Buckley Poetry Prize

Commemorating Seamus Heaney
The Institute of Advanced Studies at The University of Western Australia invites you to attend a special evening to commemorate the life of Seamus Heaney, once described as "the greatest poet of our age". UWA literary scholars Winthrop Professor Philip Mead, Professor Andrew Lynch and Dr Duc Dau will give short talks about the place of Heaney’s poetry in their academic and personal lives. Audience members will then be invited to recite a short poem or excerpt and, if they so wish, describe its significance to them. The celebration will conclude with light refreshments. Monday 25 November, 6pm-7.30pm, at the IAS, Irwin Street Building, UWA (Parking: P18 &20 off Fairway). Free event but places are limited and RSVP is essential via email.

2014 Vincent Buckley Poetry Prize
The 2014 Vincent Buckley Poetry Prize is now open to Australian poets. The approximately AUD$10,000 prize will facilitate a trip to Ireland. Applications must be received by close of business Friday 29 November. For guidelines, and to apply, click here.

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