
Friday, December 27, 2013

Opportunity for Poets

Submission to 46: NO THEME III and
46.1: MELBOURNE now open!


NO THEME III guest-edited by Felicity Plunkett
MELBOURNE guest-edited by Michael Farrell
I am interested in the idea of architecture as a way of capturing the place of a ‘no theme’ issue … amidst Cordite‘s many themed ones. In the architecture of a journal, a themed issue opens a particular window to bring poems in through that filter, and invites particular kinds of art.
A ‘no theme’ issue is an open house, a special and celebratory event where all windows and doors are flung open to allow the flow of creative energies to circulate freely.
I am reminded of Roethke’s line ‘My doors are widely swung’, a darker sort of take, but valid as any in this context. Please submit up to three poems-FP

I will be looking for poems that write of Melbourne’s plurality: recollected in a mixture of moods – poems that bring the world of poetry into the city, resulting in poems of the city. Poems that are microcosms – viewing Melbourne as a dot on a map – or elemental in a collection are what I seek, not poems that attempt to sum up the city.
Unpredictable or conceptual inner suburban poems. Visual poems. Concrete poems. Multilingual poems. Poems that intersect with aspects of other Melbourne arts. Poems that reflect the diversity of Melbourne habitats and lives (including non-human beings). Poems of study, work and recreation … of Melbourne dreams.
The city’s not just cafes and laneways, but if you can refresh these #ed-to-death themes, then do it. Think meta-tourist rather than tourist. Meta-critic rather than critic. Mixed forms rather than established. Fake histories, fictional anecdotes.
Talk poems (written down), dialogues (real or imagined), comparative poetics. Poems of varying narration. Conscious poems and just-woke-up-from-an-internet-coma poems.
Melbourne poems. Please submit up to two poems-MF

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