
Tuesday, February 04, 2014

from WA Poets ...

Bhakti Spirit
~A journey into the heart of Indian sacred music~
From the meditative depth of Indian Classical raga to the ecstatic verses of devotional song.

Branan Silvius-vocals
Gurpreet Singh-tabla
Jaya Penelope-spoken translations

Sat 8th February, 7:15pm-9;00pm

Fremantle Yoga Centre
E-Shed Markets

enquiries to Branan, 0488 966 951,

You’re invited to the West Australian
Pitt Street Poetry, 2013
by acclaimed poet and winner of the Montreal Poetry Prize
Launch address by Annamaria Weldon
Saturday 15 Feb 2014 at 3pm
Mattie Furphy’s House (FAWWA) Allan Park, Kirkwood St, Swanbourne (following Tom Collins Poetry Award)

Fellowship of Australian Writers WA

February begins with FAWA's monthly Friday@Furphy's on the 14th. On Saturday the 15th, Judge Philip Mead, will announce the winners of the Tom Collins Poetry Prize at 1.30pm, followed at 3.00pm by the launch of a new book of poetry, Blue Wren Cantos, by Mark Tredinnick.

The Fellowship is involved once again with the Perth Writers Festival, being part of stall run by a group of Perth writers organisations. They are planning to give a 'showbag' to anyone who is interested.

As part of this, FAWWA is sending out a call for poems and short stories that can be included.

Please send your submission to by the 19th.

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