
Thursday, March 20, 2014

announcing a new book from ELECTIO EDITIONS

Jenson’s Greek

a book by Alan Loney, with hand-drawn letters by Deirdre Hassed 

 from the desk of Alan Loney ...

This work has its origins in an abandoned project, the publication of Nicolas Jenson’s Last Will & Testament. The book was to be illustrated with Jenson’s Greek letters, and otherwise the book was to be fairly straightforward. When I found that the Will was readily available online, I confess I lost energy for the project, even tho I had had thework typeset by Michael & Winifred Bixler and the magnesium blocks made from Deirdre Hassed’s large redrawings of six of Jenson’s Greek letterforms. Meantime, the material has sat unquietly in the printery until a new work has slowly formed in my mind & coalesced into the present work. The ‘poems’ on pages 19, 29 & 39 are made from words & phrases of Jenson’s Will using the translation of Pierce Butler, published by the Ludlow Typograph Company of Chicago in 1928. The quotation used in Jenson’s Greek is from Noctes Atticae by Aulus Gellius, printed by Jenson in Venice in 1472, and its translation into English is done by ‘the present writer’, with some reference to the translation by John C Rolfe in the Loeb Classical Library edition of Gellius, 1927.


This book is designed, printed & bound by Alan Loney. The hand-drawn Greek letters are by Deirdre Hassed, printed from magnesium blocks made by Hitech Allgraphics, Melbourne. Types are Dante, New Hellenic, and Open Kapitalen Greek, all printed on damped mould-made Magnani 200gsm paper on a Pratt-Albion handpress. Binding is sewn into Cave handmade paper covers done at the press, with boxes made by Duncan Packaging, Melbourne.

Page size 250 x 155 mm (golden ratio), 48 pages.

Publication date : April 2014.

The standard edition is of 26 copies, with 22 for sale. $800 per copy. Standing Order discount applies. All enquiries welcome.

One copy specially bound by Susan Anderson, Impediment Press (NSW), in boards with a slipcase, is also available at $2000 the copy. Exempt from Standing Order discount.

Electio Editions 
6/47 Grant Street
Malvern East
VIC 3145

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