
Monday, April 21, 2014

Ahsahta Press 2014 Chapbook Contest

Just a gentle reminder . . . 

Ahsahta Press invites you to submit your chapbook to the 2014 Chapbook Contest. This year's judge is Susan Briante. The deadline for the competition is April 30. Get your submissions in now!

Find complete details at our submission manager page.

Susan Briante is the author of two books of poetry: Utopia Minus (Ahsahta Press 2011) and Pioneers in the Study of Motion (Ahsahta Press 2007). Of her most recent collection, Publisher’s Weekly writes: “this book finds an urgent language for the world in which we live.” Briante also writes essays on documentary poetics as well as on the relationship between place and cultural memory. Some of these can be found in Creative Non-Fiction, Rethinking History, Jacket and The Believer. A translator, Briante lived in Mexico City from 1991-1997 working for the magazines Artes de México and Mandorla. She has received grants and awards from the Atlantic Monthly, the MacDowell Colony, the Academy of American Poets, and the US-Mexico Fund for Culture. She is finishing work on a new collection of poems, The Market Wonders, inspired by the current economic crisis.

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