
Friday, April 04, 2014

Meg McKinlay's Author Promotion Tip

from Meg McKinlay, poet, YAL novelist, children's author and editor:

Police officer spots me 'texting' while stopped at traffic lights this morning. Pulls me over after we've rounded the corner.
Police Officer: Do you know why I've pulled you over this morning?
Me: I'm sorry ... I actually don't.
PO: Even when stopped, you may not touch your phone.
M: Yes, but I don't actually have my phone with me.
PO: [skeptical; peering into car] Well, we observed behaviour consistent with texting. What do you say you were doing?
M: [putting it together; show him my hand, which is covered in spidery lines of text]
PO: You were writing on your hand? [sub-text: "What are you - twelve?"]
M: Yes.
PO: Well ... all right then. I don't think we have a law against that. Currently. But you shouldn't be distracted while driving. What exactly was so urgent?
M: It's kind of hard to explain.
PO: Try me.
M: [tries him; explains about lines of prose that appeared, whole and perfect, and had to be captured]
PO: Right. So you're an actual writer, then? Would I have read anything you've written?
M: [resists urge to make usual, flippant comeback] That's hard to say. But yes, I am an actual writer.
PO: Huh. Cool. Well, good luck with the book, I guess. [turns back to his partner, waiting in car] Hey, he has kids. Maybe I'll look you up! Do you have a website?

Self-promotion, people. It can happen anywhere, any time.


Meg's webpage(s) is/are HERE

Definitely No Ducks(Walker Books, 2013)
Max, the class duck, is in trouble. The Antarctica display has been totally destroyed. Ripped. Torn. Chewed. And everyone knows Max is to blame. Or is he? Abby and Noah are determined to uncover the truth. If they can't, they will have to say goodbye to Max forever.

A sequel to Duck For A Day.
Picture BooksThe Truth About Penguins
(Walker Books, 2010)
Everybody knows penguins ... don't they?

No Bears
(Walker Books, 2011; Candlewick 2012)
Ruby is in charge of this book.
And she'll tell you something right now.
There are NO BEARS in it.
Not even one.

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