
Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Protect Solar! from Solar Citizens ...

As you have probably heard, the Renewable Energy Target - the program that has helped you and 2 million other Australian families go solar - is under review. But, the lesser known fact is that this is the second review of the Target in as many years.
The last review was completed just 18 months ago. It was conducted by an expert team lead by former head of the Reserve Bank, Bernie Fraser.
And it showed that the target is doing what was it was designed to do - help Australians reap the benefits of generating energy from clean safe sources at a very affordable price.
This new review is designed to hurt solar, but you can help.
With this new review launched so close to the completion of the last one, it’s hard to conclude that it is anything other than a stitch-up designed to cut support for solar energy and help the big power companies.
If the government truly wanted to support Australian families to take back control of their power bills, it would have accepted the findings of the first report and got on with helping Australian families install solar.
That’s why Solar Citizens is launching a cheeky activity today. We want to flood the review panel with copies of the LAST review findings to make our point clear: this review is not necessary; it’s a waste of taxpayer money, and we want the government to get on with helping more Australian families go solar.
If thousands of ordinary solar supporters flood the submission panel, it creates a great story for media and makes clear to the government that the community rejects the wasteful, unnecessary repeat review into solar.
Lindsay, Sarah, Taegen, Nick, Claire and the rest of the Solar Citizens team


Solar Citizens is working to protect the rights of million of Australian solar owners to cut bills, create cleaner power and take energy generation back into our own hands. You can also keep up with Solar Citizens onTwitter or like us on Facebook.

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