
Saturday, June 14, 2014

19th Annual conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs invites submissions

You have until August 1. Submit!

Call for Papers
The 19th Annual conference of the Australasian Association of Writing Programs invites submissions of abstracts for papers on the theme of:
Minding the gap: Writing across thresholds and fault lines
The AAWP invites submissions of abstracts to a conference at Massey University Campus, Wellington, New Zealand, from 30 November- 2 December, 2014. 

Conference theme: Minding the gap
We invite papers and presentations reflecting on creating, editing, teaching, and researching writing in any genre, including poetry, script, prose, fiction, non-fiction, creative non-fiction and journalism.

You may like to consider the following thematic prompts;
writing across the gaps
reading between the lines
unearthing writing
writing across thresholds
fault lines…
and storylines
building and rebuilding writing
survivor stories
gap days, months, years/ strategies for writers

In order for delegates to present they must be members of the AAWP at the time of the conference and the registration fee will include 1 year’s membership fee (for example of $60.00 for full salaried membership or $30.00 for concessions). 

Suggestions for Panels of 3-4 presenters on relevant themes or genres are also welcome.
Postgraduates are encouraged to submit to the conference. If this is your first time presenting, then we strongly recommend submitting to the general non-refereed stream.
How to submit your abstract:
There will be three streams for submissions; all submit to initially, indicating preferred stream, X, Y or Z.
X Refereed papers, which will be accepted as abstracts/proposals published in the conference booklet, with full paper submitted for double-blind refereeing for consideration for publication.
Y Non-refereed papers which will be accepted as abstracts/proposals and published in the conference proceedings.
Z Creative papers which will be accepted as abstracts/proposals to be published in the conference proceedings and are eligible to be submitted for consideration for publication.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 200 words, with a biographical note of no more than 120 words, by 1 August 2014.
Remember to specify whether you wish to be considered for the Refereed stream (Stream X), the Non-refereed stream (Stream Y) or the creative stream (Stream Z).
Key Dates:
1 August, 2014: extended deadline
30 September, 2014: refereed papers due
1 October, 2014: online registration commences, details to follow
10 November, 2014: Online Conference registration closes (additional registration available during the conference)
Conference committee;
Donna Banicevich Gera, Victoria University/ Whitireia Polytechnic,
Thom Conroy, Massey University (Palmerston North Campus),
Hannah Gerrard, Massey University (Wellington Campus),
Ingrid Horrocks, Massey University (Wellington Campus)
Gail Pittaway, Waikato Institute of Technology and AAWP executive.

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