
Sunday, July 13, 2014

2pm SATURDAY book launch at COLLECTED WORKS - Wine! Poets! Song!

  • Walleah Press and the Author are launching 
  • One Hour Seeds Another in Melbourne 
  • 2pm Saturday 19 July at Collected Works 
  • with Andy Jackson (poet) and Franceska Bussey (singer)

a small quote from LYN REEVES Launch speech at Hobart Bookshop, July 3rd 2014
 The poems are infused with humour, irony and playfulness but they touch on weighty subjects such as loss, relationships, and the nature of being.

The poems also play with ideas, with language and with images, placing them in surprising combinations and juxtapositions that command the reader’s attention. The ordinary and the everyday take on a heightened significance. David Brooks, in his blurb on the back cover, says: ‘You could give him five ordinary things on a table top and he would show you just how to place them, to let in the pleasure and the wonder.’

There is music here, too, not only in the many references and allusions to musicians from jazz artists to Dylan to Cage and more, but also in the sounds and rhythms that flow naturally from the mind of a poet for whom music is akin to breathing.

  • Sydney at Brett Whiteley Studio on 27 July with Les Wicks
  • Perth at Mattie Furphy House with Nicholas Hasluck on Sat 2 August at 2-4pm, readings by Anna Maria Weldon, Murray Jennings, Peter Holland and David Hawkes.
  • Wine and nibblies at all events.

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