
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Book Launch 2pm SATURDAY

In a letter to the author, Andrew Taylor, spoke about One Hour Seeds Another:

William Blake said that ‘when the doors of perception are cleansed, every Thing 

will appear as it is, Holy’. Well, your poetry doesn’t disclose a world that’s 

holy, in Blake’s sense, far from it! But it shows us our world as it is, because 

you see it through doors of perception that are well and truly ‘cleansed’. What 

appears is unexpected, often uncomfortable, even confrontational. But new in 

its freshness of seeing, and wholly devoid of any cynicism or world weariness. 

It makes me feel that I’m experiencing things, no matter how familiar, and often 

unfamiliar, for the first time. And clothed in what Blake would call ‘the Raiment 

of Innocence.’

This SATURDAY from 2pm at COLLECTED WORKS Bookshop, Swanston Street, Melbourne,
there will be wine, poets and song to launch ANDREW BURKE's new collection

To be launched by ANDY JACKSON, poet

To add to the festivities, FRANCESCA BUSSEY and friends will sing and play.

Wines from the Riverina area will be served. 

(Photo of 'poetry for breakfast' by Annamaria Weldon)

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